english deutsch
Alliance for Justice, American Benefits Council, Center for Community Change, Citizens Against Drug Impaired Driving, Creations Guardians, Office of the Americas, Southern Poverty Law Center, The Peace and Justice Foundation, Inc., The Policyholder Network
Animal Welfare
Regional, Rescues and Shelters, Animal Welfare Institute, Animals Without Frontiers, Born Free, Care For The Wild, Companion Animal Welfare Council, Humane Society and Animal Welfare Ring, United Animal Nations
Religious, Chivalric Traditions, Confederation of the Polish Nobility, Corpo della Nobilta Sammarinese - Association of t, French Law and Unofficial Orders, Great Orders of Chivalry, International Knightly Order of Saint George - Can, Italian Law and Unofficial Orders, Knighthood and Orders of Chivalry, Society of the Golden Fleece, Sovereign as 'Fountain of Honour': Knigh
Peace Corps, Regional, Academy for Educational Development, ACORD Agency for Co-operation and Research In Deve, Agency for Relief, Development and Conflict Resolu, Art For Development Network, Association for International Co-operation and Hum, Center for Conscious Evolution, Change for Children Association, Conflict, Development and Peace Network (CODEP), Cooperative Housing Foundation (CHF), Counterpart International
BBB Wise Giving Alliance, CreateHope, DonationDepot.com, Give For Change, GuideStar, Idealist and Action Without Borders, Index of International Organizations, International Organization / NGO Web Sites, International Organizations, MaNGO (Macedonian NGO)
Bilingual Education, By Country, Children's International Summer Villages, Literacy, PTA, A Gift for Teaching, AIMS Education Foundation, American Educational Research Association (AERA), Arab Center for Arabization Translation Authorship, Association for Childhood Education International , Association for Community Colleges (ACC), Association for Supervision and Curriculum Develop, Association for the Promotion of Campus Activities, Association of American International Colleges and, Association of Christian Schools International (AC
Benefit Societies, Ethnic, Fraternal Order Orioles, Freemasonry, Improved Order of Red Men, Independent Order of Odd Fellows, Knights of Pythias, Military, Opposing Views, Parodies
High Intelligence
Mensa, AtheistIQ, Genius Society, Glia Society, High IQ Society, HighPotentialsSociety, International High IQ Society, Intertel, IQuadrivium Society, Mega Society, Ne Plus Ultra
American Wars and Conflicts, Colonial, Cultural, European Historical, Pioneer, International Society of Sons and Daughters of Sla, Military Order of Foreign Wars, Seguin Descendants Historical Preservation (SDHP), Stebbins Ancestral Society
Local Currency Systems
LETS, Community Currencies in Asia, Africa and Latin Ame, Complementary Currency Resource Center, The New Alchemists by David Boyle, Towards an understanding of the Global Market Syst, Transaction Net
Nonprofit Resources
Associations, Consulting, Employment, Fundraising, Management, Regional, Research on Nonprofits, Software, 4npo.org, Association Xpertise, Bellanet International Secretariat, BoardSource, Charity Channel, Charity.com, CharityNet, Contentbank.org, Dot Org Media, Faith and Philanthropy Institute
Open Access
AGORA, Book Aid International, Center for the Public Domain, Health InterNetwork Access to Research Initiative , International Consortium for the Advancement of Ac, International Institute for Communication and Deve, International Network for the Availability of Scie, James Burke's Knowledge Web, Open Society Institute, Public Library of Science
Health, Association of Professional Researchers for Advanc, Financial Executives Institute, National Association of Industrial Technology (NAI, National Association of Sales Professionals, Professional Ethics, Society for Case Research
Initiative for Social Action and Renewal in Eurasi
Self Improvement
Toastmasters, The Association of Speakers Clubs
Service Clubs
Civitan, Junior Chamber International, Kiwanis, Lions Clubs International, National Grange, Optimist Clubs, Rotary, Ruritan, Sertoma, The National Exchange Club
Academic, AIESEC, Community Service, Environment, Ethnic, Fraternities and Sororities, Political, Religion and Spirituality, Rights, Student Government
Affirmative Options Coalition, Californians for Justice, Community Voices Heard, Direct Action Welfare Group, Families United for Racial and Economic Equality, Grass Roots Organizing, Grass Roots Organizing for Welfare Leadership (GRO, Just Harvest, LIFETIME, LINC Project