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A Streetcar Named Desire: Original Production
Black and white photograph of Richard Garrick on stage with Jessica Tandy and Ann Dere in the original Broadway production.
All Movie Guide: Richard Garrick
Filmography of the actor/director with list of co-workers and links to movies available to purchase on video.
IMDb.com : Richard Garrick
Profile, complete filmography, TV schedule, and titles for sale.
Internet Broadway Database: Richard Garrick
Official Broadway credits for Richard Garrick, biographical information and other related facts
Richard Garrick
Tribute site to the actor/director includes filmology, stage appearances and photos.
Richard T. Garrick
Brief biographical sketch and photo of gravesite.
TV Tome: Richard Garrick
Television appearances, including episode number, role played and date of first airing.
Wikipedia: Richard Garrick
Biographical overview provided.