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Articles and Interviews
Splicedwire: Girl-girl Power
All-Reviews.com - Kissing Jessica Stein, Boston Globe: A romantic comedy with style, smarts, Chicago Sun-Times: Review by Roger Ebert, Courier-Journal of Louisville: Kissing Jessica Ste, Filmcritic.com: Kissing Jessica Stein, Flipside Movie Emporium: Kissing Jessica Stein, HeraldNet: Pucker up and enjoy the joys of Kissing, Hollywood Jesus - Kissing Jessica Stein, IOFILM.co.uk: Kissing Jessica Stein, Mark R. Leeper: Kissing Jessica Stein
IMDb: Kissing Jessica Stein (2001)
Includes cast and crew, user comments, external reviews, plot summary, awards, soundtrack listings, links, promotional material and film details.
Kissing Jessica Stein
Official Site at Fox Searchlight. Storyline summary, cast and crew information, and clips from the movie.
Kissing Jessica Stein Media Site
Fansite with photos, clips, songs from film, articles and links.
Rotten Tomatoes: Kissing Jessica Stein
Film overview including synopsis, photos from the movie trailer, and reviews.
Yahoo Movies: Kissing Jessica Stein
Previews consist of cast and plot information, release dates, and commentary.