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Highlander Slash-O-Rama, Not the Usual Highlander Slash Archive, OnlyDuncanMethos, Richie/Methos Slash List Archive
Clan CDC
Stories focus on Connor and Duncan MacLeod. Includes whimsy, frus, filks, and crossovers.
Daire's Fanfic Refuge
Het stories and crossovers. No slash.
Het and slash stories.
Archive for stories centered around Joe Dawson. Includes gen, het, and slash works with a variety of romantic pairings.
Melina's Den of Fine Repute
Gen, adult het and slash stories by Melina, including crossovers with The X-Files and The Sentinel.
Methos Boxer Brigade
News, het and slash stories, images, and recipes, all focused around Methos.
Parda's Highlander Fanfiction
Stories written by Parda and other authors, with special sections for works focusing on Connor, Cassandra, Ramirez, Methos and Joe. Also includes timeline and information on student/teacher connections.
Seventh Dimension -- Highlander Fanfic Archive
Stories arranged by author, title, character, series, crossover. With challenges, mailing list, and recommendations.