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Bifictional Bedlam, Brenda Antrim's Fan Fiction Archive, Celebrity and Starbased Erotic Stories, Chez Jen, Christine Indigo: Internet Pornographer, Dean's Writing Nook, Den of Debauchery, Denise's Fan Fiction Planet, Diana Williams Fiction, Eiluned's Dungeon
Chats and Forums
Yahoo! Groups: Allslash, Yahoo! Groups: DiverseLoveFic, Yahoo! Groups: Fabulae, Yahoo! Groups: ILoveAManInUniformFic, Yahoo! Groups: Lust in the Dust, Yahoo! Groups: RatBoat, Yahoo! Groups: WarriorLoversFic
Hetskateers, Michael Praed Fan Fiction, Rion's World, Too Precious
Authors, A Gentle Caress, Artists in Residence, Australian Slash Archive, Basingstoke, Blood, Love & Rhetoric, BritSlash, Complete Kingdom of Slash, Daphne and Velma's World o' Pretty Boys, Fagfiction.net, Ithilas
1001 Cold Showers
Offers slash and het fiction from fandoms including Buffy, Star Wars, X-Men, and Roswell.
A Sentinelaholic's Playground
Mostly Jim/Blair slash stories; also includes stories based on The Crucible and some het based on Buffy the Vampire Slayer, as well as fan art and photo manipulations.
Alternative to FanFiction.net. Includes het and slash works based on TV, films, comics, anime, and real persons, as well as writer's resources. All works rated R or NC-17.
Alternative Universe Relationship Archive
Archive of het and slash stories inspired by television shows, comcis, and movies.
Amothea's Angst Archive
Het and slash stories involving physical and/or emotional discomfort, including rape and BDSM.
Barry Van Dyke Fanfiction
Archive for stories featuring characters played by Barry Van Dyke.
General and adult fiction featuring characters played by actor Jeffrey Combs, plus photos, wallpapers, and filmography.
Celebrity Fanfiction
Features Keanu Reeves stories and message board.
Data Annex Fan Fiction Archive
Hosts stories in fandoms from Buffy the Vampire Slayer to The X-Files, as well as crossovers. Includes submission information.
Gen and slash stories based on Buffy the Vampire Slayer, Smallville, X-Men, and DragonFire. Includes crossovers. Also offers wallpapers and skins.
Elysia: Pure Heaven
Gen, het, and slash stories based on Gundam Wing, Highlander, Buffy the Vampire Slayer, and others, as well as crossovers. Houses fiction by Persephone and others; submissions welcome.
Gen, het, and slash stories based on television, sports, and films, organized by title, author, and fandom. Also offers writers' resources, including a list of beta readers and a critique service.
Fiction Lane
Archive of stories based on television shows, sports, movies, and bands, categorized by genre.
Gongaga Yaoi Archive
Stories based on Harry Potter, Final Fantasy, Digimon, Pokémon, and Fushigi Yuugi, many of them slash. Also includes doujinshi scans, fan art, and original poetry.
Heart Attack
Battlestar Galactica, Emergency, Star Trek, Hardy Boys and Nancy Drew, and Robin of Sherwood stories.
Fiction featuring the characters played by actor Ted Raimi from Xena, Seaquest, Evil Dead, and other fandoms. Slash and het pairings, many crossovers. Archive organized by author, title, date, pairings, and story types.
X-Men, X-Files, Lord of the Rings, and Star Wars stories. Includes gen, het, and slash fiction. Submissions accepted in any fandom.
Rachael Sabotini's House O' Fanfic
Slash and gen stories of Thomas, Rachael Sabotini, and Veranda Balustrade. Fandoms include Highlander, The Sentinel, Harry Potter, Phantom Menace, and Xena.
Gen, het, and slash stories by Elfin. Also hosts other authors in Babylon Five, Jurassic Park, Star Trek, and other fandoms.
Solar System of Fiction
An archive offering het and slash stories based on Star Trek: TNG, Prey, Pensacola: Wings of Gold, and Star Wars.
Sonji's Homestead
Slash and het stories based on Angel, Babylong 5, Buffy the Vampire Slayer, Lord of The Rings, and X-Men.
Star Jones Archives
Indiana Jones and Star Wars stories, including adult het and slash.
The Adventures of Blue
Gen and adult stories based on Dark Angel, Buffy, X-Men, Alias, and CSI. Submissions accepted.
The Fic Closet -- Movie Fan Fiction
X-Men, Star Wars, and Gladiator fiction.
The Library: A Fanfic Haven
An archive for fandoms including Highlander, X-Men, Hercules/Xena, and Buffy/Angel. Contains a mix of adult and non-adult stories.
The Magick Pages
Archive of original fiction and fan fiction based on Buffy the Vampire Slayer, Harry Potter, and Pirates of the Caribbean by Lariawien, as well as some information about paganism and the Discworld MUD.
The Slash Slut's Recs
Links to stories in a wide variety of fandoms, including crossovers. Also includes articles on slash writing and "Annoying Things in Fanfic."
Virg and Fort
Gen, slash and het stories by Virg and Fort, from The Bill, Sentinel, Highlander, Star Trek, Homicide, X-Files, and the DC Comics universe.