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Fanfic Symposium
Archive of essays on a variety of issues in fandom and writing fan fiction.
Genders OnLine Journal - Minding One's P&apos
Homoeroticism in Star Trek: The Next Generation. An analysis by Atara Stein of the homoerotic subtext between the omnipotent entitity Q and Captain Picard and its implications about gender identity.
Salon.com: Porn for the Rest of Us
An article by Merle Kessler about slash fiction and a tongue-in-cheek template for writing it.
SFGate: Spock Does Mulder
A human interest story on the popularity of slash online, and its largely female body of authors.
Slashing the Borg: Resistance is Fertile
An essay by Mark Dery.
Soapboxgirls: Slash Universe
Alix Rose writes about the origins of slash fan fiction and why she enjoys it.
The Sex Lives Of Xena: Warrior Princess Alt Fan Fi
Based on survey results, compares reality of authors' sexual behavior to the behavior portrayed in their stories.
The Slash Edge: Why Queer as Folk isn't Slash
Debra Fran Baker considers the nature of slash and its relationship to a television show featuring gay characters.
Things You Learn From Slash
Long list of cliches and oddities that arise in slash fiction by Josephine Darcy.