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MAPI Home page
Adult-Child "Love"
A woman sexually abused as a child writes a letter to a pro-pedophilia website explaining why she believes that adult-child sex is bad.
Adult-Child Sex - Is It Abuse or Misuse?
A rebuttal to the proposal that children carry the burden of responsibility for sexual contact with adults. By Dr. Nancy Faulkner, of Pandora's Box.
All Debate Aside, Pedophilia Is Wrong
Author discusses how the mental health community is once again changing its mind as it begins to argue that pedophilia is not a mental disorder.
APA Admits Error in Publishing Highly Criticized &
The APA distances itself from the controversial Rind report, and condemns all adult-child sexual relations.
Child Abuse Will Not Stop Until We Stop the Predat
By Sandra Corell. Information on legislation and organizations aimed at increasing the penalties for incestual pedophilia and other child abuse.
Childhood, Sex, and Love: Understanding Pedophilia
A psychic relates her experiences channeling for a man who had been convicted of child molestation and discusses her ideas about the causes of pedophilia.
Decriminalizers of Pedophilia
Essay attempts to show that the American mental health community and NAMBLA are gradually working to have pedophilia decriminalized.
Dr. Alfred Kinsey & the Academic Pedophile Adv
Judith Reisman, Ph.D argues that the American Psychological Association advocates pedophilia.
Escape from Wonderland
A pedophile discusses his attraction and discusses self-help methods for himself and others like him. Links.
Evolutionary Psychology and the Pedophile
A refutation of N.S. Aristoff's article entitled "Male Sexual Attraction to Pubescent and Adolescent Girls". The author, William Spriggs, argues that Aristoff's conclusions are flawed.
Fight Pedophilia
Links to related organizations, legal background, a US age of consent list, and Internet safety tips.
Harming the Little Ones: The Effects Of Pedophili
Academic paper discusses the psychological effects of involuntary sexual relationships on children, as well as questioning the ability of children being able to give informed consent to sexual activity with adults.
Homosexual Behavior and Pedophilia
The authors of this paper argue that the homosexual community is leading the way in efforts to abolish age of consent laws and normalize sexual relations between children and adults.
Hundred Years of Pedophilia
Brazilian philosopher Olavo De Carvalho discusses the history of pedophilia and the current trend towards its normalization in society.
IPT Journal - "Misinterpretation of a Primary
Ralph Underwager and Hollida Wakefield clarify their position on adult-child sexual relations, arguing that statements they made in an interview for 'Paidika' can, and have, been taken out of context.
Lesbian Pedophilia
Although most of the current pedophilia debate involves men, there is a growing lesbian pedophilia movement as well. Excerpts from writings by lesbian pedophiles.
Making Pedophilia Acceptable
Article attempts to show that government-sponsored universities and academia in general are leading the way towards the normalization of pedophilia, and that this process is similar to the normalization of homosexuality and feminism.
Meet 'Women's Auxiliary' of NAMBLA
Article argues that website for women pedophiles demonstrates a growing problem which is often ignored as society concentrates on the much more visible male pedophilia movement.
None Dare Call It Pedophilia
The cross-gender obsession with girl figure skaters and gymnasts is related to the obsession with youth and is just as bad as worse than child pornography.
Provides information and statistic on illegal pedophile activities. Topics about what readers can do to help in the battle of exterminating this activity from the Internet.
Paedophilia Chic
Article by Charles Colson argues that the acceptance of pedophilia and child abuse is a sea change which is taking place without society noticing it.
Peddling Pedophilia
The author criticizes the over-sexualization of children by the media and retailers and expresses his concern that this is leading to the normalization of pedophilia and the erosion of consent laws.
Links to anti-pedophile resources.
Pedophiles on the Web
Anti-child abuse website uses posts to pro-pedophilia websites and a transcript of the BoyLove Manifesto to demonstrate the way that pedophiles think.
Pedophilia Is "Normal" Only In The Minds
The author attacks the mental health profession and Kinsey specifically for using flawed methodology to indicate that pedophilia is not a disorder.
Pedophilia- My Perspective
A pedophile arrested for possession of child pornography discusses pedophilia and what he believes to be its causes.
Pedophilia: The Next Civil Right?
Christian commentator reviews Mary Eberstadt's article Pedophilia Chic: Reconsidered, and comments on the move towards the normalization of pedophilia.
Priest Pedophiles
Two Catholic theologians discuss the characteristics of child molesters and what steps can be taken by the church to prevent them from entering priestly ranks.
Report - Pedophilia More Common Among Gays
A report which contends that child molestation is much more prevalent amongst homosexuals than among heterosexuals.
Report Mapi - Plan
A report from the Movement Against Pedophilia on the Internet.
The Anti-Pedophilia WebRing
A collection of Web pages that support the anti-pedophile stance. Similar sites are welcome to join.
The Case for Child Molestation
Conservative commentator speaks out against Judith Levine's book Harmful to Minors.
What is Pedophilia?
Article about child molestation and pedophilia. Methods for detecting pedophilia in children and treatment options.