english deutsch
South African-based forum with anime and manga discussions.
AMX Forums
Anime, manga, and game discussions. Also has fan work sections, games, and prizes.
Ancient Clan Forums
An active online community that caters to anime, sci-fi, and video game enthusiasts.
Ani Forums
Discussion including Dragonball, Trigun, Gundam, and general topics.
Anime and gaming forum. Specific topics include Dragon Ball, Naruto, .hack, and Blizzard games.
Anime and Online Gaming Universe
Discussion topics include series previews and reviews, gaming news, J-Pop, and fan art.
Anime Chains Network Fan Forums
General and series-specific discussions with a dedicated section to fan-created works.
Anime Chat
Anime and game-related discussions, including specific sections on Gundam, Samurai Jack, and Final Fantasy among others.
Anime Cosmo
General anime as well as title-specific discussions, also several console gaming areas.
Anime Duel
Anime and roleplaying game discussions.
Anime Europe
UK-based anime and manga forum. Also features news, events, and convention and cosplay photograph gallery.
Anime Europe Forum
General as well as specific anime title discussions with separate sections for cosplay, trades, and clubs.
Anime Evolved RPG Forums
General anime as well as title-specific discussions. Also has a sizable console gaming forum area.
Anime Gamer
Discussion of various anime and manga titles, games, and links.
Anime Guru
Forum topics include games, music, fan works, reviews, and suggestions.
Anime Haven
Mailing list with image gallery and links. Public archives.
Anime Horizons
General anime and series-specific discussions, fan artwork, as well as non-anime topics.
Anime Matrix
Series specific fora, general discussions, and webmaster help.
Anime Matrix 3000
Contests, image galleries, chat room, and message board. Yahoo group; requires registration.
Anime on DVD Community Forums
Discussions of DVD releases in all regions, studio feedback, dubbing, manga, and hardware.
Anime Red
Anime, manga, and RPG forums with specific areas for various fan works.
Anime Symphony Forums
Features general anime as well as series-specific forums. Also has areas for video games and fanworks.
Anime Visions Forums
General anime and title-specific forums as well as social topics.
Anime Zen Forums
General anime, manga, and video game discussions with a specific area for webmasters.
Free java-based chat rooms and IRC server. Also features fan artwork.
General anime as well as series-specific discussions.
Anime news, articles, polls, and forums.
Anime message boards grouped by community chit-chat, specific titles, roleplaying, music, fan art, fan fiction, movies, video games, and news.
AnimeDaze Forums
General anime and manga discussions, review feedback, and wallpaper requests.
Discussion board with anime reviews and multimedia.
Animenation Forums
Message boards cover general anime topics, fan works, conventions, clubs, toys, and music.
Animetric Discussion Board
Discussions for anime, manga, games, as well as social topics.
General anime topics as well as reviews, news, and a subsection on cosplaying.
Anime discussions divided by categories and fan works.
Ars Anime Forum
Anime and gaming discussions. Also has various social topics.
Community for Australian anime fans with assorted forums, news, and desktop wallpaper images.
For Japanese anime and manga discussions with polls and reviews.
Canofoo's Anime Conversations
Forums for several titles including Gundam, Dragonball, Cowboy Bebop, and Love Hina.
Celestial Anime Forums
Anime and console gaming discussions.
Celestial Community
Anime and manga discussions with sections for fan works and other media.
Discussion forums for Gundam, Evangelion, and Macross.
Chibi Otaku Paradise
Texas-based cosplay group site. Topics mainly focus on anime conventions and costumes.
Club Anime
Series-specific discussions, PC games, and RPG forums.
Dejitaru Anime
General anime and manga discussions. Also has areas for fan works and role-playing games.
Flying Koi Anime
Message board for anime, manga, music, and games. Includes areas for fanworks, neko discussion, and off-topic subjects.
Hotaru's Forums
Discuss various anime and manga topics. Has sections on Inu-Yasha, Sailor Moon, and Clamp works among others.
Icchan Laboratory
A general anime and manga forum with a dedicated section for Angelic Layer.
Anime and manga forums with specific sections for Japanese language and culture, cosplay, conventions, and fan art.
Natalie's CCS Mansion Forums
Discusses all aspects of anime series. Focuses on Card Captor Sakura but has sections for other shows and topics.
New World
Anime, games, and computer discussions.
Omega Anime
Forums on anime, manga, and Japanese culture among others.
Otaku Board
A mainly Asian online anime and video game community with a dedicated section for fan works.
An anime and video game community with general anime as well as series specific discussions for Dragonball, Digimon, and Gundam among others.
Pathea Movie Animation Forum
General animation and anime discussions as well as fan works.
Sakaseyou RPGs
An anime RPG board featuring various series.
Sedai no Otaku
Forums covering general as well as specific anime and gaming topics.
Shoujo-Ai Forum
Discussion board focusing on the lesbian aspects of anime. Also features fan fiction and image forums.
Taijiya no Mura
Discussions for specific titles such as Inu-Yasha, Rurouni Kenshin, and Yu Yu Hakusho. Also has general anime and social areas.
Tea's DreamWorld
Discussions include specific titles, DVD releases, previews and reviews, and fan fiction.
The Anime Cafe
IRC network, with Java client, convention schedule, and lists of operators and active servers.
The Anime Layer
Anime, manga, music, and movie forums.
The Garden of Dreams
Message board for discussions on anime and manga, RPGs, and art.
The Storm Will Anime Forum
General anime and manga discussion with a section for non-Japanese animation.
Twin Moons Anime Forums
Offers fora for specific titles, music, and DVD reviews.