english deutsch
Haibane Renmei
Pioneer's official web site. Includes episode and character guide, video clip, and DVD/CD information.
Haibane Renmei Shrine
Includes background information on the series, character profiles, story introduction, galleries, wallpaper, fan art, and links.
MIT Anime Showings:Synopses: Haibane Renmei
Synopsis of the series, voiceactors, and links.
Old Home
Information on the series, characters, and Haibane themselves. Includes images from the anime and original doujinshi, song lyrics and some music. Extensive links of shrines, reviews and fan art.
Sekai no Hajimari
Series overview and general information, in-depth episode synopses, character profiles, merchandise information, and a guide to symbolism.
Within the Wall
Includes an image gallery, episode syonpses, voice actors, song lyrics, e-cards, wallpaper, and links.
Yatpay's Haibane Shrine
Includes desktops, images, episode summaries, character bios, and doujinshi.
~Little Wings~
Various avatars, merchandise, books, and downloads.