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Amelia Wil Tesla Saillune, Filia Ul Copt, Gourry Gabriev, Lina Inverse, Naga, Relationships, Sylphiel Nels Lahda, Xelloss, Zelgadis Greywers, A Space Between Heaven and Hell, A Waste of Your Time: Slayers Shrines, A-Chan's Shrine to Zangulus, Creepy Copy Wizard: Vrumugun, Jillas da Bomb, Lair of the Demon Dragon King, Princess Thalassa's Slayers Shrine, Shrine to the Mazoku and Chimera of Slayers., The Crossroads, The Valgarv Shrine
Fan Pages
Celes Star's Slayers Page, GreenFire's Anime Mansion, Lady Sheira's Slayers Page, Lina's Slayers Aurora, Livin' Wild (Absolute Slayers Paradise), Luna Imbaasu's Website of the Slayers, Mazoku.org, Mika Lero's Slayers Page, Nepha of Feli's Slayers Page, Pen's Slayers Page
Fan Works
Alina's Slayers Fan Fiction, Anime Inverse Slayers Idiotic, Fastimes at Slayers High, Forever Dramata, Hanna's Slayers Fan Fiction, Jeniam's Spot on the Web, Let's Call It Creativity, Nightmares in the Apocalypse, Slayers Fan Fiction Library, Slayers Fanfiction
Image Galleries
Anime MASTER - The Slayers, Lina's Slayer Galaxy, Oh My Zelgadis, Slayers Screenshot Gallery, Snake's Anime Archive : The Slayers Mook Scan, The Mazoku's Slayers, Xar's Citadel: Slayers Area21
Anime Web Guide: Slayers, Slayers Universe
Slayers Marvelous, Slayers RPG, Zelas's Slayers RPG
Web Rings
Deathra's Slayers Ring, Lina and Zelgadis Webring, Lina's Slayer Webring of Insanity, Slayers Anime Web Ring, The Slayers Gang Webring, Z & A Forever, Zelgadis' Ring of Power