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A Princess and Her Knight
Keith and Allura fan fiction. Reader's guide, profiles, archive, and links.
Castle of Lions
Poetry and fan fiction.
Dusty Riley's Really Bad Homepage
Voltron fan fiction.
Son of Keith
Fiction by Amber Reece, set 25 years after the series.
Sons and Daughters of Doom
Fan art and fiction focusing on the inhabitants of Planet Doom.
Tales of Arus
Fan fiction and fan art.
The Chronicles of Planet Doom
Fan fiction about the darker side of Voltron - namely Planet Doom.
The KAEX Archive
Archive focusing on the relationship between Keith and Allura.
The Lame Voltron Site
Short stories and chapter works.
V4: Past, Present, and Future
Shared universe fan fiction.
Voltron Fan Fiction by Stefka
Original fan fiction. Author's notes, character biographies, pictures, and storyline information.
Voltron Gamepage
Free fan made games based on the series, character adoptions, "Ask Pidge," galleries, fan fiction, card game, character profiles, and links.
Voltron's Dorm
Humor site with an assortment of comics.
Voltron: Chronicles of the Lions
Fan fiction and links.
Voltron: Defender of the Universe
Original Voltron fiction.
Voltron: Tales From the Denubian Drive-In
Fan fiction concentrating mainly upon Prince Lotor and Princess Allura.
Writer Unblocked: Voltron Fanfiction
Voltron fan fiction, focusing mainly on Keith and Allura.
Zarkon's Locus
Plot summary, character profiles, fan art, reviews, "robestiary", personalitiy quiz, and links.
Zejain's Voltron Lair
Fan fiction and art, image gallery, and links.