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Animation Heaven and Hell: The Brothers Quay
Bibliography comparing and contrasting their works to those of Jan Svankmajer, with filmography/videography.
Brothers Quay
Personal account of discovering the film makers, with Real audio downloads, filmography, and related links.
Brothers Quay Guide by Uwe Hemmen
Biography, quotes, interview in German, and list of films.
Gonzoriffic: Brothers Quay Collection
Noncommercial review of The Brother Quay Collection, several animated shorts from 1984-1993.
Rotten Tomatoes: Brothers Quay
Filmography, reviews, and forum.
Shifting Realities
Article by Suzanne Buchan in Animation World magazine.
Soren Kierkegaard's "Authenticity,"
Essay of opinions on select films and background of the film makers.
The Stranger: An Interpretive Palaver
Film critics' review following a veiwing of "In Absentia."
Thing Reviews
Interview with reader comments.