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All-Reviews.com, DVDwolf - Atlantis: The Lost Empire Page, HARO Online Atlantis Review, Ninth Symphony Films, The Popkorn Junkie, Videoflicks.com Atlantis Review
"Atlantis is Waiting" dFX Movie Site
An in-depth look at Disney's animated movie, including news, reviews, features, images, box office results, and artist credits.
Allscifi Review - Atlantis The Lost Empire
Analytical review of the plot, setting, theme, and structure of the film, and links to similar movies.
Apollo Movie Guide: Atlantis
Review, links and cast information.
Movie trailer, description, and images.
Hollywood.com - Atlantis: The Lost Empire
Movie reviews and trailers.
IMDb: Atlantis: The Lost Empire (2001)
Cast and crew list, plot and related information.
Metacritic.com: Atlantis - The Lost Empire
A cross-section of reviews from the country's top critics, crystallized in a metascore.
Rotten Tomatoes - Atlantis: The Lost Empire (2001)
Reviews and reactions from top critics. News, trailers, photos, and synopsis.
Walt Disney Pictures -- Atlantis: The Lost Empire
Official site (available in HTML and Flash) with plot summary, character profiles, review quotes, DVD features, trailer, and video/DVD ordering details.