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Combustible Celluloid: Jodi Benson
Jeffrey M. Anderson reveals that Jodi is a Broadway trained singer and actress, who never really intended to get into movies, much less into animated movies.
DailyBruin.ucla.edu: Part of their World
Stephanie Sheh reports on a talk by Jodi Benson at the Four Seasons Hotel.
Disney Cruise Line Video
Scroll down for a Quicktime video clip featuring Jodi Benson. [From Go2 Orlando]
Jodi Benson
Fan Pamela provides a biography, photographs and news.
Jodi Benson
Biographical article with photo from a Little Mermaid fan page.
Jodi Benson @ IMDb
Filmography. Includes links on trivia and other works.
Jodi Benson as The Little Mermaid
Fan art by Bob Ito.
Jodi Benson: Ariel For Real!
Fanpage with photos.
SplicedOnline.com: Mermaid Memoirs
An interview with Jodi Benson, voice of Ariel, Disney's "Little Mermaid."
The Little Mermaid
Fan page with Jodi Benson photo and autograph scans.