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Berkley Productions - The VoiceCoach
Free monthly e-zine featuring "tips and techniques for people who want to make a powerful and positive impression every time they speak". Back issues archived from August, 1997 to present.
Inside Voiceover
Free e-mail newsletter offering "tips and techniques for people who want to make money with their voice in commercials, narrations and cartoons". Homepage features archives of past issues.
The Art of Voice Acting Newsletter
Monthly e-zine by professional voice coach and author James R. Alburger.
The Tele-Tattler
[Tele-Talent International] Goings-on and amusing anecdotes from the Hollywood commercial voiceover production scene.
The Voice - Internet Magazine for voice-overs
Archived editions of Steven Lyons' now-discontinued UK-based e-zine, from June, 1996, to Christmas, 1997.
The Voice Actor Appreciation Group
Fan community and discussion group, and home to "Voice Actors In The News" and "VAs on DVD" -- newsletters focusing on professional voice actors with details on events and appearances, daily news, interviews, and where to find live-action appearances of voice actors on DVD.
Voice Over Today
Free e-mail newsletter published by Edge Studio to help voice-over artists market and advance their careers. Including producer's notes, auditions, and marketing tips.
VoiceChasers.com News
Focusing on voice actors in animation.