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Ancient Arts of Anesthesia Are Unlocked
Report that excavation of the medieval Soutra Hospital near Edinburgh showed that some 200 herbs and spices were used as medicines, reproduced in Today's Healthy News.
City of Winchester: Hospital of St Cross
An illustrated history of this almshouse founded in the 1130s by Bishop Henry of Blois for 13 poor men, and enlarged in the 15th century by Cardinal Beaufort.
Domus Dei, Portsmouth, UK
Hantsweb gives the history of hospice founded by Peter de Rupibus, the Crusader Bishop of Winchester, in 1212, fire-bombed in 1941. Includes photograph.
Eastbridge Hospital, Canterbury
An illustrated description by Revd. David Hayes of the surviving medieval pilgrim hospice of St Thomas the Martyr, with visitor information, from the Online Guide to Canterbury.
Eastbridge Hospital, Canterbury
The official site gives an illustrated introduction to the medieval Hospital of St. Thomas the Martyr, and Greyfriars Chapel, the only surviving part of a Franciscan friary. Includes visitor information.
Heritage of Mercy
Jean Manco explains the development of medieval hospitals and almshouses in Britain. Article first published in Medieval History.
Hotel-Dieu, Beaune, France
A history, description and expandable thumbnail photographs of this surviving medieval hospital, now a museum, by Canadian visitor Sara Genn. From Saraphina Travelogue.
Innocenti Hospital
Gloria Chiarini describes the Ospedale degli Innocenti in Florence, founded in 1419 for orphans and abandoned children, and designed by Filippo Brunelleschi. Part of The Florence Art Guide.
International Congress on Medieval Studies, 2001
Abstracts of papers delivered at the conference in Kalamazoo on 'The Medieval Hospital and Medical Practice: Bridging the Evidence' which includes hospital architecture.
Maison Dieu, Faversham
A monastic hospital founded by Henry III about A.D. 1230 and now a museum. The official town guide provides a history, images and visitor information.
Medieval Hospitals of Oxfordshire
Margaret Markham gives a history and description: endowments, diagnosis and treatment, internal life, dedications, buildings and locations. Includes foundation dates and brief details of individual hospitals. [PDF].
Medieval Hospitals of Kent
Ian Coulson introduces the topic, gives a list of early hospitals and almshouses in the county, with foundation dates, and a plan and reconstruction drawing of St John's Hospital, Canterbury, the oldest hospital in England.
Mediweb: The Royal and Ancient Hospital of St Bart
An illustrated history of the monastic hospital founded by Rahere in 1123 at Smithfield, just outside London's city walls, which evolved into a modern teaching hospital.
Soutra Aisle
Brief mention of the excavation of a 14th-century Augustinian hospital in Scotland, with a photograph of a related standing building.
St John's Hospital, Bruges
A history and photographs of this large medieval hospital, now a museum, from Belgium Travel Network.
St. Bartholomew's Hospital Archives and Museu
The famous teaching hospital holds archives going back to its foundation circa 1123. History and visitor information.
The Gallery of the Hospital of the Innocents
An illustrated description from Your Way to Florence of the gallery set in the early 15th-century orphanage designed by Filippo Brunelleschi.
The Hospital of San Luca in Lucca
A photograph and guide to the history and archaeology of this Italian medieval hospital, from the Scuola Normale Superiore, Pisa.
The Maison Dieu, Dover
Dover Museum provides a history of the hospice founded in 1203 by Hubert de Burgh, and used as the town hall from 1834 to 1881.