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Azulejos de Lisboa
Colin Manning gives a photographic tour of some of the Portuguese tiles, known as azulejos, which adorn the inside and outside of almost every home in Portugal.
History of Plumbing
A series of articles from Plumbing and Mechanical magazine following the development of plumbing from ancient Babylon to modern America, hosted by theplumber.com
Rick's Bricks
A compilation of documents covering the history of brick-making and brick-building, particularly in Somerset County, Pennsylvania, US. Includes a bibliography.
Roman Concrete
David Moore's writings and references on Roman and modern concrete technology and construction.
Roofing Tiles
The TileMan presents six illustrated articles by Colonel Charles McGee from The Journeyman Roofer and Waterproofer (1947-50) explaining the design, manufacture and installation of clay roofing tile.
Stone Roofing Association
Provides an introduction to sandstone and limestone roofs, giving the geology, history and use of stone slates, with bibliography and glossary.
The Traditional Paint Forum
A non-profit group with an interest in historic decorative schemes, which publishes the journal "Traditional Paint News" (contents listed online). Annual conference, membership, news.
Tiles and Architectural Ceramics Society
This UK society provides a beginner's guide to the history of tiles used pave floors or decorate walls.
Timeline of Concrete
The story of concrete from the natural deposit of cement compounds 12,000,000 BC, through the creation of concrete by the Romans to its uses in the 1990s. Short bibliography.