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17th-Century Architecture
Images from Prof Jeffery Howe, Boston College, of Rubens' houses and the Church of St Charles Borromeo in Antwerp, Chateau Vaux-le-Vicomte and Versailles, France.
17th-Century Italian Architecture
San Jose State University provides an extensive gallery of expandable images, accessed via pull-down menu and selection from an array. Basic information is given for each.
Baroque Architecture
Images and information on buildings in the Baroque style and their architects, provided by Great Buildings Online.
Baroque Architecture of St. Petersburg
Outline by E. Kalnitskaya, with gallery of expandable photographs of notable buildings. From Little Russia.
Baroque Rome in the Etchings of Giuseppe Vasi
Vasi published 10 books of etchings of the monuments of Rome (1746-61), which can be seen here alongside photographs of the same locations today.
History of Baroque Architecture
Photographs of several notable Baroque churches in Rome. Part of History of Western Architecture from the Leo Masuda Architectonic Research Office.
Itineraries of Baroque Art
Travel Italy provides an illustrated taster of the flamboyant Baroque architecture of Turin, Milan, Genoa, Rome, Naples, Lecce, Palermo and Cagliari.
Renaissance and Baroque Architecture
Collection of expandable images used in a course at the Department of Architectural History, University of Virginia, covering Italy, France and England.
St Paul's Cathedral, London
The official site of the magnificent Baroque church designed by Sir Christopher Wren in 1673. It has an illustrated chronology and 360-degree panoramas that require QuickTime VR.
Triumph of the Baroque, Architecture in Europe: 16
A virtual tour of the exhibition at the National Gallery of Art, Washington, United States, 21 May - 9 October 2000.
Elegant bilingual official site offering history, guided tour via an interactive map, 360-degree panoramas, gallery of masterpieces and visitor information.