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United States
Back of the Big House: The Cultural Landscape of t, Barn Again! Celebrating an American Icon, Death of a Dream, Dog Trots, Saddlebags and Shotguns, Dutch Barn Preservation Society, French Emigre Architecture in Jefferson County, N., Grottos of the Midwest, Hancock Shaker Village, Historic Architecture of Blacksburg, Virginia, Historic Fort Klock Restoration
Helmcken House, Victoria, British Columbia
The official museum site offers a virtual tour, history, plans and construction details of the post-on-sill house built from 1852 by Dr. Helmcken, pioneer doctor and legislator.
Newfoundland and Labrador Heritage: Vernacular Art
This page from the Memorial University of Newfoundland includes comment on vernacular houses with an expandable photograph of a house built ca.1900 in Placentia.