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Aiwaz.net Institute - Leonardo da Vinci
Investigating the mysteries of several works.
Art Gallery: Leonardo da Vinci
The so famous Leonardo masterpiece "annunciation" in a beautiful format. From the Uffizi Gallery.
Artchive: Leonardo da Vinci
Archive of artwork by Leonardo da Vinci.
BBCi: Leonardo's Life In Science And Arts
Interactive site featuring paintings, imposters, quizzes, and the studio of the artist.
British Library: Leonardo da Vinci (1452 - 1519)
An illustrated biography, including photographs of three full-size models made for the BBC One series Leonardo, and online images of the Library's Leonardo notebook.
CGFA: da Vinci
Short biography but comprehensive feature on his works, all illustrated.
Leonardo da Vinci
Interactive biography of the artist and inventor by Martin Kausal.
Leonardo Da Vinci's Last Supper
Explains the importance of this event to Christianity, the location, content and technique used in the painting. Includes photos of the paintings and biography about the artist.
Leonardo Da Vinci's Life
Featuring a biography and discussing several images of the artist.
Leonardo da Vinci: Scientist, Inventor, Artist
The Museum of Science presents an online exhibition with biography, portrait, examples of da Vinci's work and background information on the Renaissance.
Leonardo da Vinci: The Codex Leicester
Features a Shockwave biography and several thematic units about the artist and philosopher.
Leonardo Virtual Museum
A visual review of web items which have been associated with the artist.
Leonardo's Horse
Project to actualize Leonardo's planned but never-completed sculpture of a 24-foot horse.
Life of an Artist: Leonardo da Vinci
Biography from Giorgio Vasari's "The Lives of the Artists" and a gallery.
Loadstar: Leonardo: the Man, His Machines
Extensive information centre on the life and works of Leonardo da Vinci and his machines.
National Museum of Science and Technology: Leonard
This museum in Milan has displays over one hundred models illustrating the work of Leonardo. Chronology of his life, manuscripts, his machines in VRML.
Olga's Gallery: Leonardo da Vinci
A collection of images of Leonardo's works with biography and historical comments.
The Bridge
Information about the so-called Leonardo Bridge in Ås, Norway, based on an original drawing by the artist.
The Last Supper
Very close details of the figure of Christ, the faces of Philip and John, and the hand of Thaddeus.
The Leonard Da Vinci Gateway
A gateway into the life and works of the artist, including some paintings, and drawings, and a biography.
The Leonardo Bridge Project
Vebjørn Sand explains how Leonardo da Vinci's simple drawing of a graceful bridge inspired the Leonardo Bridge outside Oslo built in 2001.
The Worldwide Art Gallery: Leonardo da Vinci
Biography and image collection of this genius of the Italian Renaissance.
Thinkquest.org: Da Vinci A Man of Both Worlds
Offers artist's art as well as his scientific observations, his inventions, and interesting facts about his life.
Thinkquest.org: Learning About Leonardo
Arts and science driven inquiry exploring the mystery of the Mona Lisa, featuring original music.
Washington State University: Leonardo da Vinci
Excerpt from Reading About the World, Volume 1.
Web Gallery of Art: Leonardo da Vinci
A collection of many works of the author, including paintings, drawings and sculptures. With notes for each work
WebMuseum: Leonardo da Vinci
Collection of paintings and information on the great master.