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Anatomy of an Exhibition - Art Nouveau, 1890-1914
Information about the development of the National Gallery's well known exhibit.
Antique Jewelry Online - Art Nouveau Jewelry
Small page that describes details of the style specifically in terms of jewelry design.
Art Nouveau at Artchive
Description of Art Nouveau movement with links to information about Gustav Klimt, Aubrey Beardsley, and Alphonse Mucha.
Art Nouveau from Encyclopedia.com
Encyclopedia.com article, text only.
Art Nouveau Furniture
Furniture maker Julian Hamer illustrates his inspirations, chiefly Art Nouveau architecture and furniture, but also modern sculpture and Celtic and Maori art.
Art Nouveau Lamps from Europe
Art Nouveau lamps created by Armindo Da Costa and made with a brass patina.
Art Nouveau Sampling
Examples of Art Nouveau commercial posters.
Art Nouveau Section
A personal site that presents details about glassware and home furnishings in the style.
Art Nouveau World Wide Server
Text information about the Art Nouveau/Jugendstil period, including definitions, derivations, artists, some photographs, and a FAQ.
Artcyclopedia: Art Nouveau
Provides brief overview of the movement along with a chronological listing of Art Nouveau artists.
ArtLex on Art Nouveau
Background information, artists, examples of artists' works, and resource links.
Belle Epoque und Art Nouveau
Essays and galleries about Art Nouveau classified by region and accessible in English, German, or French.
European Art Nouveau
A basic definition of the movement, whereby clicking on the title or the icon in the upper left corner will lead to two picture galleries.
International Poster Gallery: Art Nouveau
Large collection of posters, mostly commercial ones, exemplifying the style.
Magazine Antiques: Art Nouveau 1890-1914
Extremely detailed history about the Art Nouveau movement as well as the characteristics of the style.
Quia Quiz: Art Nouveau Furniture
A series of multiple choice questions testing knowledge of the movement with a photo example with each question.
Roland Collection - Art Nouveau
Sites with information about particular aspects of the style, with video samples from a corresponding documentary film on each one.
Sensual Style
A gallery of Art Nouveau examples from a display originating from London. Presented by CNN Europe.
Styles and Movements: Art Nouveau
Article from Grove Dictionary of Art that has numerous links to related information within the style.
Suite 101: Jugendstil, Art Nouveau, or the Age of
An examination of Art Nouveau that attempts to make correlations with the act of doodling as an artistic act.
The Art Nouveau Collectors Site
Provides a reference guide and other practical information for Art Nouveau collectors.
The Home of Qdesign (Art Nouveau)
History of the style, with picture examples, from the perspective of industrial design.
Tile Image Gallery
Small collection of pictures demonstrating the Art Nouveau style in terms of ceramic tile.
Violet Books: Art Nouveau Ghosts and Others
A pictorial gallery of rare dustwrappers and ornate bindings of antiquarian fantasy and supernatural fiction.