english deutsch
Art by Rimjhim K.
Image gallery of this artists work in henna, oil painting, charcoal, and graphite sketching.
Black Henna
Describes the alternative to natural henna and the skin damage it can cause.
Design ideas, images of completed works, application instructions, and a tips section.
Art designs and a guide to henna tattooing. Includes Finnish and English sections.
Jane's Place
Patterns and information, tips and tricks to henna making and application, also contains an icon section.
Kim's Mehndi Home Page
One artists view of mehndi. Images, definitions, and contact information.
Laurel's Mehndi
Comprehensive information on the history of henna in Indian, North Africa, and Southeast Asia. Photo gallery and helpful hints section.
Recipes and tips on how to do mehndi at home.
History and methodology of mehandi. Includes photographs, drawings and downloadable designs for people interested in trying out this form of body decoration.
Historical information and a narrative on the traditional ceremonial uses of henna body designs. Also contains information on the differences in designs from various cultures, and a recipe for long-lasting application.
Background information, designs and image gallery.
The Art of Henna
Provides background knowledge and various ways to use henna as a body paint. African and Indian traditions are described.
The Art of Mehndi
Henna paste recipes, application and removal instructions, images, and links.
Urban Henna
Temporary tattoo galleries.