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All The World's A Stage (ATWAS)
Art related message board community featuring online galleries and exhibitions as well as discussions, contests, chat, homepage, links, and resources.
Art Network Board
Message board featuring artists, exhibitions, galleries, opinions and art forums.
Art Networking Board
Place where artisans and art lovers can critique posted artwork, place advertisements, and network.
Chimera Review Forum
A forum for literary and visual arts discussions.
Classical Art and Architecture Discussion Fleet
Forums and live chats pertaining to all aspects of art and art history.
Classicals.com Art and Architecture Gallery
Forums and live chats devoted to art and architecture (mostly traditional forms).
Craft Talk
A range of discussion boards with arts and crafts as a main focus.
Excelsior News
A wide range of boards with the general topic film and television but includes some general arts discussion.
Impiffishint Artist Forums
Photography, film, graphic design and music discussions for artists.
Forum for Internet technology in contemporary art.
Loggia Forums
Forums dedicated to the topics of art history, architecture, design, as well as classical studies including mythology and literature.
Magickal Kingdom - Centre For the Arts
Discussions within various arts such as poetry, writing, visual arts, music. Share work with other artists and receive constructive feedback.
A discussion board for artists with various areas built around a central theme. Topics include anime, poetry, fine arts and music.
The MountainSplash Arts Community
Art, poetry and philosophy message boards. Outsider, raw and visionary artists encouraged.