english deutsch
An Account of Egypt
Etext at Project Gutenberg.
East Is East And West Is West - Or Are They? Natio
Examination of the contrast between barbarians and Greeks in Herodotus.
Herodotus Book 2
Herodotus's account of Egyptian life after the invasion by the Persians.
Herodotus Commentary
Includes full texts of Herodotus, model essays and commentaries by John Kitson, maps, and general information.
Herodotus on the Pharaohs
The stories of the pharaohs by Herodotus with annotations
Herodotus on the Web
Annotated guide and web directory to Herodotus of Halicarnassus and his times.
Herodotus [U. of Saskatchewan]
Historical background, the relationship between Herodotus' history and myth, the political situation, and his contemporary historians and logographers.
Herodotus, The Histories (ed. A. D. Godley)
The Histories printed on the Internet, available in Greek or English.
The History of Herodotus, Volume 1
Etext at Project Gutenberg.
The History of Herodotus, Volume 2
Etext at Project Gutenberg.
The Persian Wars by Herodotus
Hypertext of the English translation by George Rawlinson, divided by book.
Who Were the Greek Historians - Herodotus [About.c
Brief introduction to Herodotus and his place in the creation of the genre of history.