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Gallery of Calvin & Hobbes Portraits, Max's Calvin and Hobbes Strips, Peter Edstrom's Snow Art Gallery, Waffle Land, Yet Another Calvin & Hobbes Page
Web Rings
The Best Calvin and Hobbes Ring Ever!, The Calvin and Hobbes Conglomerate
C and H
Personal insights, images and information.
Calvin & Hobbes Realm
A tribute page containing character details, some comic strips, and book information.
Calvin and Hobbes
Official site: complete archive of comic strips, one re-released every day. Also, information on Bill Watterson, free e-postcards and sales of official prints.
Calvin and Hobbes - Resurrection
Clip-art strips made by fans. With archive and strip-making tool.
Calvin and Hobbes at Martijn's
Features images, a quiz, postcards and comics.
Calvin and Hobbes Fireside: Jellio's Homepage
Unofficial site arranged as a tribute to Calvin and Hobbes and Bill Watterson, the creator. Contains an interesting section dedicated to G.R.O.S.S. as well as the usual character information.
Calvin and hobbes kick
Character guide, list of famous quotes, Calvin's alter egos.
Calvin and Hobbes Magic On Paper
Tribute site. Articles about the comic strip, rare artwork, and a list of all legal merchandise.
Calvin and Hobbes USA
Features poems by Bill Waterson, message boards and comics.
Calvin and Hobbes' Magical World
Contains a C&H bibliography from around the world, Names of Calvin and Hobbes in other countries, a worldwide publishers' list, C&H poems, and other fun stuff.
Calvin and Hobbes: A Sad Goodbye
Try your knowledge with the CandH quiz, view your favorite comic strip, and download CandH things.
Calvin and Hobbes: Unplugged
Tributes by other artists, collection of Watterson interviews, and bibliography.
Calvinball Rules
How to play Calvinball (illustrated).
Character Profiles from Another Planet - Gold Edit
In depth look at the different characters from the comic strip, including colour and B&W strips and animations.
Cool Calvin Collection
Includes the Calvin Alphabet, how to make a G.R.O.S.S hat, and photograph merges.
Exploring Calvin and Hobbes
Results of an informal poll on reasons for the popularity of Calvin and Hobbes, and a historical/philosophical look at the comic.
Fiona's Calvin and Hobbes Page
Tribute to Calvin & Hobbes and their creator, Bill Watterson. Includes sections on Watterson, C&H poetry, list of C&H books, selected strips, and other interesting content.
Fred's Corner: Calvin and Hobbes
Screensavers, character profiles, themes, animations, and icons.
Gouri's 'Calvin and Hobbes' World o
Fun in the world of Calvin and Hobbes. Profiles of the cast and creator, hilarious comic strips, picture gallery, poems, tributes.
Hobbes' Hobbes Page
A pictorial about Calvin and Hobbes on non-English books, t-shirts, and ties.
Spaceman Spiff's Homepage
Doug MacMillan's tribute to Calvin and Hobbes, with strips and quotes.
The Calvin and Hobbes Experience
Material from the strip gathered into various theme sections.
The Calvin and Hobbes Resurrection
A huge resource for C&H information, strips, and fun stuff.
The Calvin and Hobbes Wonderland
Offers pictures, quotes, wallpaper and comics.
The Indubitable Calvin and Hobbes Encyclopedia
Contains a brief or not-so-brief description of important Calvin and Hobbes topics. Items may also include hyperlinks to relevant information elsewhere on the web or other sections of the ICHE.
WWWF Grudge Match: Bart Simpson vs. Calvin
Jan Brady thought it was any normal babysitting assignment. She was wrong.