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A Mensch for All Mediums
TIME.comix talks to Harvey Pekar, creator of the comic series "American Splendor," on the occasion of the release of the film adaptation of his comic.
Dark Horse Comics - Harvey Pekar
Interview with the creator of "American Splendor" and information about current and upcoming releases, from his publisher.
From Off the Streets of Cleveland Comes Harvey Pek
Official website. Blogs by Harvey, wife Joyce Brabner, and Danielle; links to news, interviews, and reviews; and books for sale.
Harvey Pekar
Page about the comic series creator.
The Austin Chronicle Archives: Harvey Pekar
Jazz music reviews and other columns and writings by Pekar.
The Splendor of Harvey Pekar
Mile High Comics Comicon.com Pulse article about Pekar and the movie "American Splendor."
WKSU News Commentator: Harvey Pekar
Commentaries by Pekar from public radio station in Kent, Ohio. [Requires RealAudio or Windows Media]