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Famous Japanese: Tezuka Osamu
Memorial and obituary.
History of Manga: Tezuka Osamu and the Expressive
In-depth article and analysis of Tezuka highlighting his work and influence.
Osamu Tezuka Manga Museum
Information on the memorial in Takarazuka, Japan, including photos and how to get there. [English and Italian]
Osamu Tezuka: Father of Modern Manga
Biography, timeline, image gallery, history of manga, and discussion of Tezuka's influence.
Osamu Tezuka: The Father of Manga
History, list of works with time line and links.
Robocat's Blasts From the Past
Kimba, and Astroboy images, links and music.
Tezuka Osamu World
Fan club, information, history, manga museum, multimedia and news. [Japanese and English]