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@Anime: GTO Manga
Introduction, summary, review, and images from the manga.
Great Teacher Onizuka (EX)
Contains a very accurate review and images from the manga.
Great Teacher Onizuka [GTO]
Features manga summaries, translated anime scripts, characters list and anime 'seiyuu' (voice actors/actresses) index.
Great Website Onizuka
Cover gallery, volume summaries, introduction to anime and live action versions, mailing list, and buying information.
GTO Manga
Official English site for the manga, with introduction, artist information, preview, character profiles, article, and summaries.
Hageshiku's Great Teacher Onizuka.
Story introduction, characters, short graphic novel summaries, and downloads.
imlinked's Great Teacher Onizuka
A GTO site that focuses on the anime, manga, and also the drama versions of the series.
KodanClub.com: GTO - Great Teacher Onizuka
Kodansha's official English page for the series, with manga information, introduction, characters, and images.