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Generation neXt
Fan site dedicated to the "X-Men" related series. Includes news, character biographies, issue checklist, images, message board, links, frequently asked questions, games, spinoffs, creator interviews, and fan fiction and art.
Bringing you the all the latest information on Generation X.
Kindred Spirits
Generation X page with character profiles, fan art, fan fiction, want ads through Halley's Comics, movie information, chat, forum, humor, images, wallpaper, links, and inconsistencies in the comics.
Proudstar Hall
Generation X fansite with reviews, biographies, news, gallery and links.
Skin: Super-Hero from the Barrio
Character fan-site dedicated to Angelo Espinoza, aka Skin
Spontaneous Combustion
Dedicated to Chamber, this site features a picture gallery, quotes, a guide to Chamber's British slang, fan art, and links.
The M-Files
Dedicated to Monet St. Croix, better known as M of Generation X.