english deutsch
Survey history of blackwork, with illustrations, by Michele Palmer, former editor of the newsletter of the Center for the History of American Needlework (C.H.A.N.). From Fancywork, October 1984.
Blackwork Embroidery Archives
Collection of original floral and geometric patterns to download. Includes historical notes on blackwork in renaissance costume, instructions for working double-running stitch, bibliography and links.
Blackwork Fill-in Patterns
Charted designs from sixteenth-century sources, with notes, at the Atlantian Embroiderers Guild (Society for Creative Anachronism).
Blackwork from Stitch On Line
History and techniques, early design sources, and bibliography, from the Skinner Sisters. Illustrated.
Blackwork Gallery
Annotated links to Renaissance portraits and paintings featuring blackwork, at the Elizabethan Practical Companion.
Blackwork: An Introduction
Survey article from Needle Pointers magazine XI:5, Winter 1983, by Carol Algie Higginbotham, EGA certified teacher of blackwork. Modern and traditional examples, bibliography, some free charts.
Bronwen's Blackwork Library
Contains charts for hundreds of authentic English, German, and Italian blackwork patterns from sixteenth and seventeenth century sources. Includes a tutorial on the double-running stitch.
Jill Cater Nixon
Blackwork charts and cross stitch using many different threads, beads, and sequins. Designs include fairies, costumes, and cars.