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Beverly's Cross Stitch
Cross stitched cards, pictures and Christmas Items.
Diane's Web Site
Photographs of author's works.
Gallery of Cross-Stitch Needlework
Displays handmade cross-stitch needlework for home decoration.
Gaynor Pearson's Cross Stitch
Collection of projects: samplers, elephants, Beatrix Potter.
Jane Morrow's Cross Stitch Gallery
Gallery of finished projects, collection of links to other stitching sites.
Jon's Crafts Corner
Jonathan Heller's cross stitch and plastic canvas rather unconventional creations.
Judy's Craft Corner
Displays plastic canvas creations.
Kelly's Korner
Cross-Stitch trading, freebie links, family photos.
Obsession : Cross Stitch
Personal website detailing finished projects, current projects, wish lists and info. for New Zealand cross stitchers.