english deutsch
American Needlepoint Guild
Non-profit organization for needlepoint (including most handwork on evenweave). Events, national and chapter information, "Needle Pointers" magazine, correspondence courses, certification for teaching and judging.
Creative Stitchers, Flint MI EGA Chapter
Meets on the first Wednesdays of September thru June at the Grand Blanc Heritage Association Museum
Embroiderer's Guild of America - Internet Cha
An Embroiderer's Guild of America chapter that strictly meets in cyberspace with an international membership promoting fellowship and education.
Embroiderers Guild
Sharing opportunities for discovery and creativity, bringing people and embroidery together.
Embroiderers Guild of America - Philadelphia Chapt
Non profit organization to promote the study and practice of needlework. Monthly meetings take place in Wayne, PA. Chapter events, membership information, newsletter.
Embroiderers' Association of Canada
To preserve traditional techniques and promote new challenges in the Art of Embroidery through education
Indian River Chapter, EGA
Embroiderers' Guild of America. Non profit organization to promote the study and practice of needlework.
National Academy of Needlearts
Devoted to the advancement of embroidery as an art form. Features publications, membership and certification information.
Needlework Guild of Michigan
Non profit organization to promote the study and practice of needlework. Chapter events, membership information.
Royal School of Needlework
Passing on the art of ornamental needlework using traditional hand embroidery techniques. Three year apprenticeship, one year certificate program, variety of classes. Annual exhibition. Active workroom undertakes commissions, both new and restorative.
San Diego ANG 2000 Stitch-In
Chapter of the American Needlepoint Guild, California. Non-profit organization dedicated to needlearts
STITCH with the Embroiderers' Guild
A magazine that explores traditional techniques and stitches and uses them in new and exciting ways.
The Smocking Arts Guild of America
An organization promoting smocking, fine hand sewing and related needle arts. Provides ideas, patterns, education, communication, and quality workmanship.
Vintage Stitchers Chapter of the EGA
Local chapter of the Embroiderer's Guild of America(EGA). Information about current programs, meeting schedule, membership, newsletter.