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Chats and Forums
Beard and Moustache Chat, Beard Board, The Beard Community Bulletin Board, Yahoo! Groups: Growing Long Beards
All About Beards
Recognition of excellent beards tips on growing and grooming, links and additional information.
Australian Home of Beards
Site dedicated to men who have beards or other facial hair.
Beard Board
Is a place to discuss freely about facial hair of any aspect. Questions men find it hard to discuss, or always been wanted to ask.
Beard Research
The challenge, the experiment and the result of shaving on only half of a beard.
Bill's Handlebar Mustache
Bill Innanen's personal experiences with this kind of facial hair.
Fuzface Gallery
Different styles from a few days stubble to carefully manicured goatees to scraggly full beards.
Goatee Style
The art, life and humor of a guy and his goatee.
Home - Goatee.org - The UK goatees, shaving, groom
Goatee beards. How to grow, groom, shave them. Reviews, information, and guides on grooming, shaving, and men's care.
Men Today Are Too Smooth
Humor column by Melvin Durai, a U.S.-based Indian humorist, who writes on American and Indian topics.
Ministry of Moustaches
Hirsute haven for gentlemen who crave moustachioed buffoonery and upper lip hedonism.
Moustache Database-Home of the 'Tache
Aims to have the largest collection of moustaches on the internet.
Mustache Summer
Activism and art. Contains writings, articles and poetry.
My Facial Hair Configurations
Gallery of different styles.
National Beard Registry
Photo gallery of men's beards. Registrants can sumbit a photo of their beard.
Organization for the Advancement of Facial Hair OA
Their goal is to promote the advancement of facial hair on all people and equality for all those who grow such. Contains information, history, activities and library.
The Beard Gallery
For all bearded men worldwide to contribute pictures of their beards to create a worldwide gallery of the bearded face. Contains also a discussion forum.
The Beard in Islam
Covering details and answering questions for Muslims.
The Goatee Gallery
View and rate goatees from all over the world.
The Handlebar Club
An international club for men with handlebar moustaches. Founded in 1947. Based at the Windsor Castle pub in London, England.
The Official Gentlemen's Facial Hair Club
This site contains pictures of beards, moustaches, goatees and sideburns. Also has facial hair taxonomy, grooming tips and articles.
The Whisker Club
A beard and moustache club dedicated to having fun and helping the community.
World Beard and Moustache Championships
Schedule, categories, registration and tickets and accommodation information.