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Mailing Lists
Yahoo! Groups: Cate Blanchett/Sarah Polley Mailing, Yahoo! Groups: Fan Base Alpha, Yahoo! Groups: Movie Fever
Babes and Hunks of the World
Discussion of celebrities, movies, television, games, and fashion.
Club Kapooku
Chat and message board, with topic threads covering television, movies, and music.
Coliseum 2 Message Board
Topic threads include movies, music, television, and games.
Comedy Classics Forums
Message board for fans of classic comedy from silent and classic movies, old time radio, and classic TV.
Creative Power TV News Entertainment Forums
News feeds, articles, and message boards for discussions on television, music, and celebrities.
Dee's Music and Stuff
Message board with topic threads on music, movies, television shows, actors, actresses, and humor.
Dinxgys Celebs
Male and female celebrities, sports stars, and singers, as well as general discussion on movies, and fan art.
Elves and Pirates Messageboard
A messageboard about the Lord of the Rings and Pirates of the Caribbean movies and boooks.
Entertainment Aloud
Topics include books, gaming, music, movies, television, and anime.
Topic threads include movies, television, music, and celebrities.
Forum devoted to discussing celebrities, musicians, television shows, soap operas, movies, and general news. New topics can be submitted by members.
HK Entertainment
Discussion on celebrities, music, movies, and television series in Hong Kong.
Korean Japanese Pop Central
Discussion threads include music, movies, television, actors, actresses, and other celebrities.
Like it or Spike it Movies
Visitors rate films, and post reviews and comments. Includes features on television and other media, as well as rumors, previews, and polls.
Maximum Awesome Forums
Message boards for movie and television commentary, comics, books, fashion, collectible toys, and silliness.
Entertainment news and forum service where readers can discuss articles. Contains music, movie, video game, and television news.
Movie Reviews From V1h
Discussion of movies, music, television, and celebrity gossip.
Movie Reviews From V1H
Discussion of movies, TV shows, music and music videos, as well as celebrity gossip.
Forums devoted to video games, anime, toys, movies and music.
Project Phoenix
Forums cover a broad range of topics, including music, gaming, technology, anime, and movies.
Reel Media
Discussion of movies, music, television, and books.
Chat about box-office hits and small-screen classics. Includes threads on entertainment news and forthcoming films and shows.
Sleep Is For Losers
Visitors post about anime, comedy, music, and games.
South Town Forums
Discussion about movies, television, music, videogames, and nightlife.
SpiritAvenue.com Boardroom Forums
Participants post artwork, photography, music, or films, or join in conversations.
Message board for discussion and gossip related to celebrity news, music, movies, and the industry.
Station Tera-Alpha Sci-Fi & Anime
Community for science fiction and anime fans, with message boards, chat, fan fiction, pictures, games, program and film listings, quotes, and links.
The Ewil Within
Discussion on music, movies, sports, books, and games, available in English and Finnish.
The Guild
Devoted to discussion of movies, music, videogames, and art.
The Hall of Fanboys
Discuss comics, cartoons, videogames, movies and sports.
The Movie-Cavern
Discussion board dedicated to movies and television. Includes image gallery.
The Raven's Realm
Discussions about pop music, with user-submitted artwork and fiction.
TV And General Talk
Message board with threads covering television, games, movies, music, and games.
Arcade and forums covering movies, books, music, and television. Includes image gallery.
ZTGD Anime & Gaming Forums
Message board for anime and gaming fans.