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All Info About the Family Screen Scene
Reviews, previews, and highlights of television, movies, DVDs, and videos.
Children's Television
Reviews of a selection of shows for children.
Current Attractions
Family friendly movie and video game ratings for parents and educators. Features the PSVrating system.
Dove Reviews
Family-oriented movie, TV, and game reviews by The Dove Foundation.
Parental reviews of games and movies. Also includes forums and interviews.
Grading the Movies, Music and Games
Provides information about the amount of violence, sex, language, and drug content in movies, music, and games.
Kids First!
Evaluates, rates, and endorses children's feature films, videotapes, DVDs, audio recordings, software, and television using a volunteer, community-based jury including professionals, parents, and children.
Content-based rating system that evaluates television, movies, and games from a family-friendly perspective. Service of the National Institute on Media and the Family.
Plugged In
A Christian perspective on what to see at the box office, which TV shows are worth your time, and what music comes up clean.
Suite101.com - Family Entertainment
Interviews, reviews and news about current and past shows, helping parents learn about what their kids are watching, and helping kids explore new choices.