english deutsch
1930s Arnow Novel
Article from the Lexington Herald-Leader on the posthumous publication of Arnow's novel, Between the Flowers.
Arnow's Use of Dialect in The Dollmaker
Student essay examines accuracy in Appalachian dialect in her novel.
Art as Community in The Dollmaker
Brief essay discusses Arnow's use of art in uniting characters.
Gertie and Judas
Short overview of the main character's betrayal in Arnow's novel, The Dollmaker.
Harriet Arnow
Brief biography of Arnow at Virginia Tech's Appalachian Literature Hypertext Directory.
Harriet Arnow
Biography of Arnow at KyLit.
Harriette Simpson Arnow
Features a biography of Arnow as well as a bibliography and overview of Arnow's life and literature.
Her Stories Won National Acclaim
Overview of awards won by Arnow, including the National Book Award.
Kentucky Profiles - Harriet Arnow
Interview with Arnow from 1979 available in Real Audio format.
The Dollmaker
Bibliographic citations at Bookclub KET.
The Heroines of Still and Arnow
A comparison of Arnow's character Gertie with the main character in James Still's River of Earth.