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'Profession' by Isaac Asimov
An allegorical description of the manner in which education currently functions in our primitive Western societies.
Allscifi Isaac Asimov Spotlight
Critical reviews of Asimov's leading Foundation and Robot novels, including discussions of themes in his works.
Asimov Quotes
Isaac Asimov quotes on religion illustrating his spiritual views.
Beyond Asimov
Asimov based fan-fiction, movie and computer media information.
Big Bill's Isaac Asimov Stuff
Biography and bibliography of the science-fiction author with resource links.
Encyclopedia Galactica
Based on Asimov's Foundation Universe.
Isaac Asimov Interview
Done in 1988 by a Polish fan, an interesting insight to Asimov.
Isaac Asimov
A comprehensive bibliography, and a list of biographical resources.
Isaac Asimov
Comprehensive collection of resources pertaining to Asimov.
Isaac Asimov's Foundations Universe
Web site dealing with the graphics of Asimov's Foundation Series as well as some commentary.
Isaac Asimov's: The Ultimate Robot
A review of software based on Isaac Asimov's: The Ultimate Robot.
Jenkins' Spoiler-Laden Guide to Isaac Asimov
One man's reviews of all of Asimov?s books and short fiction. Those publications are sortable in a number of ways.
Kaedrin's guide to Isaac Asimov
A guide to the fictional works of Isaac Asimov, including the Robot, Empire, and Foundation series.
New York Times Obituary
Asimov's April 7, 1992, obituary by Mervyn Rothstein (requires free registration for the New York Times website)
Religion in Asimov's Writings
Discusses how the life and beliefs of the writer are reflected in his fictional works.
The Asimov Vault
Roland Saekow provides essays, pictures and sound recordings on Isaac Asimov.
The Caves of Steel
Book club selection page with commentary on the book, a list of characters, several ratings, original book covers, and an Asimov bibliography.
The Guardian: Isaac Asimov
Profile, reviews, obituaries and links.
The Reagan Doctrine and Asimov on Science and the
An article and an interview with Asimov on the subject of religion and atheism.
WebRing List
List of web sites on the Asimov WebRing.
Wikipedia: Isaac Asimov
Article including a biography, a survey of his works, criticism, quotes and a bibliography.
WVU Libraries: Isaac Asimov Online Exhibit
Features visuals and descriptions of many of the over 600 books, games, audio recordings, videos, and wall charts included in the West Virginia University Libraries? Asimov Collection.