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99 StellaVista
J.G. Ballard resource site including reviews, publishing information, author and cover pictures, and titles for purchase. Also videos available of movies based on Ballard books, such as "Crash" and "Empire of the Sun".
Allreaders J.G. Ballard Spotlight
An analysis of the plot, setting, characters, theme, and structure of his works.
J. G. Ballard
Photo, biography, and list of works.
J. G. Ballard: 20th Century Chronicler
A site about the life and work of novelist J. G. Ballard
J.G. Ballard
BBC profile of the sci-fi surrealist.
J.G. Ballard on William S. Burroughs' naked t
An interview with Ballard, from the Salon archives.
JG Ballard: Extreme Metaphor: A Crash Course In Th
"Spike delves into the strange world of England's finest postwar writer," from spikemagazine.com.
Resource website for Ballard includes interviews, articles, and links.
Literary Encyclopedia: J.G. Ballard
Biography, literary impact, and works.
Rick McGrath Numbers
Scans of over 100 Ballard book covers, including the suppressed Doubleday edition of The Atrocity Exhibition.
The Guardian: J.G. Ballard
Profile, articles, reviews and links.