english deutsch
Bass: He dances with facts amid nature scenes, Geology Is Destiny, Outside, That Dog Will Hunt
A Winter's Tale, BWZ Editorial: The War on the West, Postwar Paris: Chronicles of a Literary Life, Some Safe Place, Writers on Writing: To Engage the World More Fully
Interview with Rick Bass
Interview with the author by Scott Slovic.
Mississippi Writers Page
Information about the writer, including a biographical and critical article, a list of published works, and other information resources.
Rick Bass from Edify Your Mind Productions
Includes a list of works, an interview, and a discussion forum.
Rick Bass Papers
Notes on the collection of the author's papers by the archivist at Southwest Texas State University. Includes a biographical note, list of published works, series descriptions and a list of inventory.
Wild to the Heart
Description of the book of thirteen essays, from the publisher, Norton.