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Europe and the Faith, First and Last, Hilaire Belloc, Hilaire Belloc (1870-1953), Joseph Hilaire Pierre Belloc, My own country, October, On Nothing and Kindred Subjects, On Something, Survivals and New Arrivals
Belloc remembered, 50 years on
Family members met to mark the fiftieth anniversary of writer Hilaire Belloc's death. [The Argus]
Defender of the Faith
Biographical essay on Hilaire Belloc, by William Bryk, in New York Press.
Hilaire Belloc
Brief biography, bibliography covering his books of poetry, and links.
Hilaire Belloc "and All the Rest of It"
Catholic Dossier article disputing the perception of Belloc as an anti-Semite, and addressing the discomfort of conservative Catholics over the author's blunt apologetics.
Hilaire Belloc (1870-1953)
A biography of the public speaker and writer, with a portrait.
Hilaire Belloc on the Jewish Tragic Cycle
Article on the 20th-century writer's criticisms of the Jewish race.
Hilaire Belloc's "The Servile State"
Book review.
Hilaire Belloc's View of History
Article examining the Catholic writer's book "Europe and the Faith."
Hilaire Belloc: Defender of the Faith
Lengthy essay on Belloc as an apologist, by the late Frederick D. Wilhelmsen.
Hills and the Sea
Book review, by Mary Jo Kelly Wilhelm.
Old Thunder: A Life of Hilaire Belloc
Anthony Cooney reviews this biography by Joe Pearce.
Spartacus Educational: Hilaire Belloc
Biography, with hyperlinks.
The Academy of American Poets: Hilaire Belloc
Biographical profile and selected bibliography.
The Bellocian: Hilaire Belloc
Biographical essay.