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Borges and Tango, Borges under Review, Collected Fictions: Savoring a Borges Blend of Ima, The Magician
Borges and I, Garden of Forking Paths, The Aleph, The Circular Ruins, The Cruel Redeemer Lazarus Morell, The Library of Babel, The Zahir, They are the Rivers, Timeless Night, Ulrike
Borges, a Blind Writer with Insight
1971 article interviewing the Argentinian author. [Site requires free registration to access.]
Borges: A Life
The first chapter of James' Woodall's biography of Borges. [Site requires free registration to access.]
Coleccion Jorge Luis Borges
Presentation of the publications from this scholarly collection. Mostly in Spanish, accepts queries in English.
EmpireZINE: Jorge Luis Borges
Short biography of the poet and author, including photos and Borges' poem "1964."
Garden of Forking Paths
A collection of resources on Borges, including an annotated bibliography, quotations, online references, and art galleries.
Introduction to Borges' life and works, frequently asked questions, suggested readings, and links.
Jeff's Borges Web Site
Hyper-textual approach to the themes and works of the Argentinian pioneer of magical realism.
Jorge Luis Borges (1899-1986)
Biography, critical analysis, and bibliography of the Argentine writer's works.
Jorge Luis Borges and the Plural I
An essay by Eric Ormsby about the nullification of personal identity in Borges literature.
Meeting Borges
An essay by Alfred Kazin. [Site requires free registration to access.]
Preliminary Guide to Borges
Research information prepared by Harry Vélez Quiñones.
The Borgesian Cyclopedia
Links to books, articles, and interviews.
The Brass Plaque Said 'Borges'
An excerpt from Paul Theroux's book The Old Patagonian Express, describing the author's encounter with Borges in Argentina. [Site requires free registration to access.]
The Century of Borges
Post-modern/post-colonial examination of the Argentine author by Alfonso de Toro.
The Guardian: Jorge Luis Borges
Profile, articles, reviews and links.
The Jorge Luis Borges Center for Studies and Docum
Academic organization based at the University of Aarhus in Denmark presents Borges articles, reviews, research aids, bibliography, and links.
The Jorge Luis Borges Collection
Describes the University of Virginia's 400-title collection of Borges' manuscripts, some unpublished. Also a biographical sketch of the author.
The Secret Books
A photographic tribute to Borges.
Webmaster Borges
Salon article on the Library of Babel as metaphor for the Internet.