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Wuthering Heights, AllReaders.com: Emily Bronte, Emily Brontë - Selected Works, Emily Bronte at MastertTexts, Enough of Thought, Philosopher, Poetry Archive: Emily Bronte
ClassicNotes: Emily Brontë
Biography of the writer, with study guide on Wuthering Heights.
Emily "The Strange" Brontë
An Incompetech British Authors biography of Emily Brontë.
Emily Bronte
A brief biographical sketch of Bronte, including a sample poem.
Emily Brontë (1818 - 1848)
Biography of the English author and discussion of her works.
Literary Encyclopedia: Emily Bronte
Biography, literary impact, and works.
Literature Classics: Emily Bronte
Etext of "Wuthering Heights" and some biographical information.
Selfknowledge: Emily Bronte
Provides author's biography, picture, forum, and the etext of "Wuthering Heights."
The Brontë Sisters
A biographical site by Cecilia Falk.
Today in Literature: Emily Bronte
Two essays about Bronte's life and work. Requires free registration to read full articles.