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Site focuses on this Eddings Belgariad/Mallorean kingdom and its inhabitants, plus general information on David Eddings, and a collection of quotes.
Allscifi: David Eddings Spotlight
Detailed analysis of the plot, theme, setting and characters of his books, with links to similar books.
Belgariad/Mallorean Timeline
Detailed timeline by Matt Korth.
David and Leigh Eddings
Synopses and cover illustrations of authors' fiction and fantasy works.
David Eddings
Biography, detailed information about his books, quotations, trivia, maps, interviews, index of people and places in the novels.
David Eddings and Role-Playing Muds
Site offers biographical information and additional links. Also connect to the Prophecy MUD.
David Eddings Author Homepage
Biography, interview, and limited information about some of his books.
David Eddings: SFFworld
Biography, bibliography, news, book reviews and links to other David Eddings resources.
A fantasy site mostly focusing on David Eddings and LotR.
Excerpt from Belgariad - Del Rey
For those not yet in on the Eddings-craze, here is a excerpt from the series' first book, from Del Rey - publishers of Eddings' novels.
Excerpt from Rivan Codex - Del Rey
Introduction and preface of the final book of the epic Belgariad/Mallorean series.
Jack's David & Leigh Eddings Site
A large site with a variety of information on the fantasy worlds of David and Leigh Eddings.
Polgara Publication Scrapbook: Writing the Book
Details of editing one of Eddings best-selling novels. From Del Rey - publishers of Eddings' books.
The Isle of the Winds
Book reviews, covers, and excerpts, biography, movie casting, bookmaps, quotes, and bibliography.