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Ditty of First Desire, Federico Garcia Lorca, Fourteen Poems of Love and Death, Lament for Ignacio Sánchez Mejías, Sonnet of the Sweet Complaint, The Faithless Wife, The Gypsy and the Wind
Federico García Lorca
Five poems and a short introduction to the life and work of Lorca.
Federico Garcia Lorca
Includes a biography.
Federico Garcia Lorca (1898-1936)
Brief biography, plus selections of his poetry from "Lorca's Grave", "Recycled Words", and "Blow, Man, Blow!".
Federico Garcia Lorca - The Academy of American Po
Biography, photograph, and selected poems.
Federico Garcia Lorca in CyberSpain
Brief biography, plus text of "Lament for Ignacio Sanchez Mejias".
García Lorca Tours
"Guided García Lorca tours" with photos and quotes from his works in Spanish and English translation.
Lorca's Drama
Very brief information about García Lorca's dramatic works.