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Applause and a Diversity of Opinions
An article by Robert Taylor about García Márquez being awarded the Nobel Prize.
ClassicNotes: 100 Years of Solitude
Summary and analysis of the work. Includes a biography, quiz, and background information.
Gabriel Garcia Marquez
A short biography, recent news; links to essays, articles, and reviews.
Gabriel Garcia Marquez
Book review of Marquez's "Love in the Time of Cholera" by Robert Couteau.
Gabriel Garcia Marquez Forum Frigate
Discussion forum and live chat devoted to Gabriel Garcia Marquez.
Garcia Marquez Explodes the Liberator's Labyr
An book review by Mark Webster of The General in His Labyrinth.
Macondo: Gabriel García Márquez
Features a biography, bibliography of works, book reviews, Nobel Prize lecture, a gallery and links.
On García Márquez's One Hundred Years of Soli
A lecture by Ian Johnston.
Rosi's Black Orchid of Violence
An article by Jay Carr about the film based on a short novel by García Márquez.
Salon Newsreal - The Mysteries of Bill Clinton
Nobel Prize-winning author Gabriel García Márquez compares the president's fate to that of Hester Prynne.