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Langston Hughes
Hughes Biography
Done with hypertext-linked references of various sorts (though some URLs appear to be non-functional).
Langston Hughes
The Academy of American Poets presents a biography, photograph, and selected poems.
Langston Hughes
Langston Hughes biography and poetry. A jazz website.
Langston Hughes and the Harlem Renaissance
A Smithsonian page dealing mainly with Hughes' connection to Harlem.
Langston Hughes in Lawrence
A brief look at the writer's hometown.
Langston Hughes: My Hero
A short article by Jeff Trussell on African-American poet, playwright and author Langston Hughes.
Lesson Plan: Langston Hughes
Mini-unit introduces fifth- and sixth-graders to the African-American writer.
Marisa Beth Rosen's Langston Hughes Site
Includes background, complete works, critical bibliography, and multimedia gallery.
Not So Simple
A review of Donna Akiba Sullivan Harper's book about Langston Hughes' "Simple" stories.
Poets of the Harlem Renaissance and After
Includes poems, biographies, and audio clips. From The Academy of American Poets.
The Langston Hughes Review
Official publication of the Langston Hughes Society at the University of Georgia.
The Pragmatist Aesthetic and Langston Hughes
A discussion by Patrick Paul Christle of the ways in which Hughes's writing reflects some of the aesthetic theories of pragmatists, such as John Dewey.
The Stranger Redeemed: A Portrait of a Black Poet
Insights on Hughes and his writing.