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Hamilton, Laurell K.
Fan Pages, Reviews, Role Playing Games, Crescent Blues, Laurell K Hamilton Bibliography, Random House - Laurel K Hamilton, The Anita Blake WebRing, The Horror of Hamilton, The Merry Gentry Webring
Harris, Thomas
Hannibal Lecter Series, Movies, Dissecting Hannibal, Hannibal in Florence, Man from Matunga, MWP: Thomas Harris (1940-??? ), Mystery Guide, Tangled Web UK Review, The Silence of the Lambs, Thomas Harris Bibliography, Thomas Harris Official Web Site
Herbert, James
isite: Haunted, James Herbert, James Herbert, Unofficial James Herbert Homepage
Hodge, Brian
Brian Hodge Bibliography
Hall, Mark Edward
Official site; includes a synopsis of the author's works, a biography, news, and an online forum.
Hargett, Paul
A biography of the author, and information on his book 'Ravenmocker', a thriller about an ancient Cherokee legend come to life.
Harris, Steve
Official site, with author and book information, historical photographs, weblog, and biographical information.
Harvey, John D.
Official site of the horror author. Site includes short stories, poetry, and downloadable novels.
Higney, Gene-Michael - Official Homepage
Updates on available horror stories, humor, short fiction, theology, and children's books.
Howells, David Lee
Biography of the author, as well as information on "Vanessa", book one in the tetralogy about a ghost who seeks to know who she was in life.