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A Man Who Takes His Lack of Talent Seriously, John Irving, John Irving: A Conversation, The John Irving Rules, Writing His Own Rules
A John Irving Sampler Of Testimony and Tales, A Saga of Loss And Recovery, A Widow for One Year: Randomness and Luck, but Whe, Books of the Times, Dr. Daruwalla and the Dwarfs, Guilt and Compassion, Irving's Hand should be slapped, John Irving spins a love story, his way, John Irving's World, No Hand For Irving
A Very Unofficial John Irving Page
Includes a list of books and films, images of the book covers, a compilation of thoughts on "A Prayer for Owen Meany," and a biographical sketch of Irving.
About The Cider House Rules Author/Screenwriter
[Planned Parenthood] Press release about the novel and its relation to the abortion issue.
All About Writing, According to Irving
By James Feron. [New York Times] The author discusses writing the end of a chapter first and writing the end of a book first and other writing habits. [Registration required]
Desire, Ambition and Father
By John Irving. [New York Times] The author reviews "The Good Son" by Craig Nova. [Registration required]
In Defense of Sentimentality
By John Irving. [New York Times] The author discusses the importance of sentimentality in writing. [Registration required]
Is Pornography to Blame?
By John Irving. [New York Times] The author responds to letters to the editor about his "Pornography and the New Puritans" essay. [Registration required]
John Irving and Me
By Jerry Janicki. [Notre Dame Magazine] An essay about the life of a writer.
John Irving Is God
Includes a list of Irving's books and films, photo gallery, mailing list, and a biography of the author.
John Irving: 19th-Century Novelist for These Times
By Richard Bernstein. [New York Times] Irving discusses the release of "A Prayer for Owen Meany." [Registration required]
John Irving: A Novelist Builds Out From Fact to Re
By Mel Gussow. [New York Times] A discussion of "A Widow for One Year" and how it relates to the author's own life. [Registration required]
Keep Passing Open Windows
Site by fan Barb Troyer-Turvey devote to Irving and his works.
Morrison's Black Fable
By John Irving. [New York Times] The author reviews "Tar Baby" by Toni Morrison. [Registration required]
Gathering place for readers, with an emphasis on the works of Irving. Includes a forum, polls, and the site owner's thoughts on Irving. [Requires Internet Explorer]
Plot as repetition: John Irving's narrative e
By Debra Shostak. A paper about sorrow and plot in Irving's novels.
Pornography and the New Puritans
By John Irving. [New York Times] The author discusses the pornography victims' compensation bill and censorship. [Registration required]
Pornography and the New Puritans: Letters From And
[New York Times] Letters to the editor about Irving's "Pornography and the New Puritans" essay. [Registration required]
Random House: John Irving
Includes a list of his works, audio books for sale, the author's biography, and a mailing list.
Random House: The Fourth Hand
Includes a synopsis of the book, a text and an audio excerpt from the book, images of the book jacket you can use as desktop wallpaper, and a mailing list.
Risking All for Gold and Grizzlies
By John Irving. [New York Times] The author reviews "Seven Rivers West" by Edward Hoagland. [Registration required]
The Idaho
Pat Keller's page devoted to the author and his works. Includes a list of his books, reviews of the movies Cider House Rules, Simon Burch, and The World According to Garp, and Keller's thoughts on Irving and the long-form novel.
What I Actually Said About Act 60
A letter from John Irving about Act 60 in Vermont and its negative impact on education and the state's children.