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Book of American Negro Poetry
1922 anthology of African American poetry with essay on "The Negro's Creative Genius."
Fifty Years & Other Poems
Complete etext at the Humanities Text Initiative American Verse Collection.
James Weldon Johnson
"The Academy of American Poets presents a biography, photograph, and selected poems."
James Weldon Johnson, 1871-1938
"An extensive exhibit of Johnson's works, including a biography and links to texts and educational resources."
Perspectives in American Literature: Research and
Bibliography of Johnson's works and literary criticism of them.
Self-Determining Haiti
Four-part essay by James Weldon Johnson about conditions in Haiti during the U.S. Occupation from 1915-1934, first published in The Nation in 1920.
Seven poems by James Weldon Johnson
Etext at Jil Diesman's Harlem Renaissance page.