english deutsch
Charmed Life
Short review of the book.
Charmed Life - CIX
A review from CIX.
Chrestomanci Castle, or Travels in the Land of Ing
Site dedicated to Diana Wynne Jones. Structured like the moving castle, it has discussion archives, a bibliography, news, letters from the author, links and a wiki.
Diana Wynne Jones
Brief description of each of her series.
Diana Wynne Jones
Official site. Includes a glossary of the Related Worlds, information on new books, articles and talks by Diana Wynne Jones, a detailed FAQ, and reviews and stills from the BBC production of "Archer's Goon".
Diana Wynne Jones - Yahoo Groups
Yahoo category of discussion forums about Wynne Jones and her books.
Linköping Science Fiction Archive: Jones, Diana Wy
Reviews of several Jones books from Usenet discussions.
Sirius Recommends
Bibliography with a description of most of her books.
The Many Worlds of Diana Wynne Jones
Flash site from Harper Collins, detailing her books, book series, and information about the author.